Saturday, July 25, 2015

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Motivation to lose Weight

Motivation to lose Weight

Losing weight: 7 ways to motivate you

Not always easy to get motivated to lose weight ... You wake up one morning full of enthusiasm, but a few weeks later you drop. Our advice to the challenge ... and hold on!
Losing weight: 7 ways to motivate you

Thinness: choose a "coach"

To stay motivated and not crack after a few hours scheme will follow with a professional can be invaluable. Dietician, nutritionist or even general practitioners are indeed there to encourage you. Fears, frustrations and obstacles to weight loss: these specialists listen to you and help you to renew your motivation at each visit. The valuable assistance which can, in some cases be reimbursed by social security. You would be wrong to deprive yourself!

Objective: 2 kg per month ...

To lose weight slowly but surely, nothing like that setting a sensible weight loss and short term. Swearing to lose 20 kilos for summer is indeed not very serious. Better to set such a goal, a loss of 2 kilos each month. Perfect to avoid frustration and keep your diet much longer. The real key to success.

Lose weight group

To get motivated and stay motivated, the support of a group can be devilishly effective and very important to boost when low energy. So you have a choice: lose weight with your girlfriends, join a group like Weight Watchers or pick your man to lose weight couple. To keep the morale and the desire to lose weight, all strategies are good!

Your picture on the fridge

Whether you have 2 or 15 kilos to lose little-matter. Visualize the weight you want to lose is important. A photo of you too round, or rather a photo of you all are thin so many things that can strengthen your desire to lose weight. So important is to see exactly why and where you want to lose weight. A stick on the fridge or cupboard to cut biscuits net accidental craving for sweets

Thinness: Indulge

Did you lose 1-kilo last week? Congratulations: you deserve to treat yourself! Pants adjusted to your (new) size or just a book or CD that you wanted will be perfect for the occasion. Avoid course to congratulate you with a raid at the bakery: nothing worse to destroy all your efforts and demoralize you ... Every step was taken and do not hesitate and treat yourself to a crafty gift. You've earned it, right?

Talk to friends

Do not hesitate to say out loud that you're dieting to your surroundings. The aim of the maneuver? Ensure that people who share your daily may help you in case of declining motivation and thereby safeguard office. If you, for example, want to serve you up chocolate mousse at a dinner among friends, you can count on your friends to put the ola. Provided them know ...

Read about motivational quotes

Adopt a logbook

Date, time, and precise list of everything you eat daily: register everything about your diet in a nice little notebook. Take time each day to fill his notebook and helps to put this dynamic daily in weight loss.

A good trick to take stock of his calorie consumption (not to mention the peanuts aperitif or coffee in little sugar). Important to stay motivated and not lose sight of its goals

more articles to read

weight loss hypnosis, effectiveness and examples


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