Friday, July 24, 2015

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weight loss hypnosis

weight loss hypnosis, effectiveness and examples

weight loss hypnosis

Hypnosis for weight loss, how does it work?

During a session, the hypnotist guides the patient to a deep state of altered consciousness and relaxation to clean the contact the subconscious part of his brain. In addressing this part of the brain, it develops slowly, with the full agreement of the hypnotized person, new automation.
In a state of hypnosis, we can change the perception that the individual has certain foods. Make it indifferent to the calorie products, develop an attraction for fruits and vegetables or transform his vision of a moment of conviviality. "The person in the hypnotic state is allowed to watch live. She becomes aware of his actions and mechanisms and can seek new answers to their needs. With time, about three weeks, these new reflexes assemble and developing new automation that progressively will replace the old, "said Jean-Jacques Garet, hypnotist for twenty years in Nice.

Hypnosis is not recommended for people with epilepsy since a session can trigger seizures.
"I also found that the only women who had a parent or a disabled dependent child, not getting satisfactory results. Too monopolized by their loved ones, these women struggle to find other sources of compensation that food, "notes Jean-Jacques Garet, hypnotist. However, it is essential to be able to replace old habits with new ones.

How many sessions are needed?

To get results, it takes between five to six sessions in the first month and then one to two sessions per month the following month. All hypnotists do not offer such monitoring. Beware. "Those who guarantee a significant weight loss in just two sessions are charlatans," warns Jean-Jacques Garet, hypnotist. The treatment must take place over 2 ½ months for a 6-7 kilos overweight.

The promise? Between 4 and 5 kilos the first months and 2 kilos per month on average the following months. Some internal factors (liver in a state of saturation, illness ...) or external (emotional shock) slow weight loss.
Some hypnotists offer packages rather than pay-per. Prices vary widely. Allow between 50 and 100 € per one-hour session.
Maintenance sessions can then beings provided if the patient feels the need to be supported. Jean-Jacques Garet notes that the older people are, the greater the weight loss is slow.

weight loss hypnosis examples

Sylvie, 42, "I lost my 16 kilos very gradually but easily"

"I've tried just about every diet from my 13-14 years. I regained the lost weight consistently. After two pregnancies, I could still less to lose. I'm kind of greedy. I could not resist a cake if I passed a bakery! With hypnosis, I lost my 16 kilos but very gradually ease. This is a binding method that requires many sessions (eight per month 1 month and then once a week) but brings real results.
At each session, we made a point on my transit, my eating habits, my feelings the hypnotist then spent 15 minutes deep relaxation. My head was active but my sleeping body. I have the impression of having been reprogrammed. Today I stopped eating compulsively. I am able to serve me one piece of cake without being frustrated, eat soup and yogurt at night if I have excess at lunch. These are natural reflexes that do not cost me. Furthermore, I can not walk past a vegetable stall without purchase. My tastes have changed in depth. "

Kelly, 32: "It was a real brainwashing that did not correspond to my problems!"

"I tried hypnosis without preconceptions. I was 10 kilos overweight and struggling to lose, especially a lack of will. On internet forums, opinions about hypnosis were quite positive. I have thus launched. The results were to appear after two or three sessions. The session was to take place in a group. We were six that day. The hypnotist has received us 5 minutes each to question our motives and the way we feed ourselves.
The hypnosis session then began. We all sat on comfortable seats. Being very tired that day, I almost dozed. But the hypnotist's speech did not sound in me. he hammered phrases like "it's not your fault if you want to eat, it is the fault of the industry that drives you to eat" or "do not throw you on food if you are stressed or upset "...
If I nibble, it is primarily by greed or because I do not have time to cook. And when I'm not in shape, generally, I have no appetite. His speech was like a brainwashing, worthy of a cult. Above all, he ignored our individualities. On leaving, I raided clementines and chocolates. And I decided to never return. I preferred to spend 120 euros, the price of a session in a pretty dress! "


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