Friday, July 17, 2015

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lose weight but.... 10 mistakes not to commit

Weight loss? The top 10 mistakes not to commit

For the desire to lose weight does not become an obsession and that your efforts are rewarded, discover the advice and recommendations of Veronica LIEGOIS, dietician, and nutritionist.

weight loss, 10 mistakes not to commit, lose weight, diet,

1 Want to lose weight when you are not overweight

Do not manipulate the perfect image of the ideal woman who has to go in a size 32. If your weight is stable without depriving yourself and your body displays a harmony, it is useless to fight and starve to lose a few extra kilos. Especially since you dérèglerez your body and its natural regulation. The solution to overcoming these little kilos: "Move more to your muscles," explains Véronique LIEGOIS, dietician-nutritionist.

2: Making express regimes

To lose weight quickly and resume as quickly, nothing like that express diets without stabilization phase. "The express diets are often unbalanced and too restrictive. You lose weight quickly, but you pick up as much or more in the following weeks, "explains Véronique LIEGOIS. To avoid. It reduced its consumption avoids snacking and one begins to sport.

3: Make a perpetual diet

After a diet rebalancing, the weight of your body has stabilized. So no need to put it to perpetual diet and starve yourself. The risk? By disrupting your metabolism, you will lose all the efforts made by your first regime and its stabilization phase.

4: Make an ultra restrictive regime

No sugar, no salt, no fat, no carbohydrates ... The restrictive diets do lose weight but especially promotes rapid recovery of weight lost. Too frustrating these plans grow to binge. "Go for food rebalancing close to your habits. A varied diet including all the food you like at a reasonable dose. This is an effective guarantee for the long term, "recalls Véronique LIEGOIS.

5 Want to lose weight as fast as your friend and your Jules

Do not copy the system of your neighbor or that of your friend, and certainly not that of your man. Although it is quite motivating and practice starting a diet a couple, we do not forget that the male sex has a different metabolism, higher than that of women. Men naturally eliminate more calories to operate their bodies. Moreover, they consist only of 10 to 15% fat mass while women bear 25%. So they lose weight a lot faster! The motivation from beginning may dwindle if you realize that your efforts are not as pay as you, Jules. We must set a reasonable target that matches its morphology and his body and a rational purpose, which is linked to motivation and temperament and does not compare. "Each metabolism is unique and it works in its own way," explains Véronique LIEGOIS.

6: Change your diet

To lose weight and stabilize, do not follow a diet that alters your eating habits too. "Personal habits come back quickly," says Véronique LIEGOIS. "The results over the long term can only be achieved by putting flat your eating habits and changing as little as possible." This does not prevent trying to make new good habits.

7: Eat differently than your spouse and your family

A healthy and balanced diet suitable for the whole family even if it is not the plan. To lose weight, do not focus on ultra-lights dishes and live in frustration.

You have to eat less and learn to compensate for differences caused by invitation. A table with your family, do not eat bread, do not you back for seconds and settle for a yogurt and a fruit dessert.

8: Drinking plenty of water

Drink water never makes you lose weight. It is not recommended to drink more than reason. All the more so if you have water retention problems, you will tend to grow.

"To drink like other foods, the secret is the right dose. Water requirements is between 1 liter and 1.5 liters per day, "recalls Véronique LIEGOIS.

9: Make a fasting diet

Fasting can help detoxify the body but never did lose weight. "A 24h of fasting can be seen as a step to start a food change, but not as a starter slimming" explains Véronique LIEGOIS.

10: Alternate strict diet and overeating

If restrict, crack and regain control generates a stress on the body. The more you starve your body, the more stores in anticipation of an upcoming restriction. And you may eventually gain weight.

"The restriction must generate compensation. Opt for a less frustrating daily diet, excess and compulsions gradually disappear of themselves, "concludes Véronique LIEGOIS.


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