Tuesday, July 14, 2015

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weight loss motivation (10 tips to achieve your goal)

It is not always easy to stay motivated to lose weight. Here are 14 tips to stay motivated during weight loss.
If demotivate when trying to lose weight is a notion that those responsible for gyms familiar. There is indeed a reason that most gyms use contracts (usually for a year or two) instead of subscriptions payable month by month.
In fact, these gyms are well aware that most customers can not stay motivated to lose weight, a galvanizing necessary to make fitness a way of life. So for them, the subscription plan of the month in months is much less profitable.
So how do you take advantage of this subscription you just pay to use the machines in the gym for the next 12 or 24 months? Or if you are not subscribed to a gym, how do you keep the enthusiasm for weight loss (during a diet for example)?

weight loss motivation, lose weight, motivation, weight loss, achieve weight loss, keep motivated to lose weight, diets

RegimesMaigrir.com offers 10 tips to stay motivated to lose weight:

1) Take pictures regularly to report to you on progress in weight loss

This advice may be difficult to apply to some of you because if you are overweight or obese, you probably do not want to see your picture, much less in a photo that is intended to show how you have excess weight.

The first photo, you are taking before starting a program to lose weight, could already be enough motivation to start. Take photos of yourself on a regular basis (weekly, monthly, etc.) in order to compare them on the time scale and see the progress you have made. There is no better encouragement to see that your hard work has paid off.

2) Empty your wardrobe loose clothing that you put before chasing the bulge

Once your excess weight starts to leave, you will most likely buy new clothes (especially if you lose a lot of weight). Have fun with this!

Try and try again all the pants or shirts or loose sweaters you have in your wardrobe. This is another way to see the progress you have made, which really pushes the motivation to keep making you see what you have accomplished.

After trying these clothes, empty the cabinet! Keep loose clothing in your closet just too easy to break or abandon your slimming program. This way, there will be a financial penalty if you take the weight.

There is still a suggestion in this area. Keep one (and only one) baggy pants, and arise from time to time to give you a reminder. These pants also make good on future pictures that you take when you reach your goal weight. You will enjoy seeing this old pants is twice your new.

3) Get involved in communities to combat overweight on the Internet

There are popular online communities together people who want to lose weight. These communities can really serve you keep the motivation to lose weight. Get involved. Reach out to other people online to learn more about their experiences in weight loss. Weave your network. Find time to build up a network of virtual friends who have the same weight loss goals you.

If you get support from people who have the same goals as you, it is definitely a great way to maintain motivation and focus on your weight loss efforts.

Our hundreds of comments on the high protein diet is an example of exchange and self-help to find the online community. Of course, you can also visit our official facebook group Entreaide.

4) Find a partner to do physical exercise

Find a partner to accompany you during workouts is strongly recommended to keep the motivation to lose weight.

Indeed, two, when you miss a workout, you're not going to drop only you but also your partner. In fact, you'll miss a lot less your sports sessions. If any of you lack the motivation to exercise, the other can take over to relight the fire.

5) Modify your exercise program

Always follow the same training program can become extremely annoying, and this can cause decreased motivation to make. The best exercise programs are those who regularly change the exercises you do, from one day to another or from one week to another.

Not only change the training program prevents your exercises become tedious and monotonous, but again this will allow your muscles to see what worked for them to grow faster (monotonous exercises hampers muscle growth, muscles 'accustomed to the exercises).

6) To allow a small food gap

Nothing can demotivate you more than the fact of not being able to eat the foods you love for a (too) long period of time. Just as you do not want your muscles get used to the monotonous exercises (to keep them toned) you should do the same with your diet.

Your body adapts to your diet after a while and weight loss will be slower. This slowdown can cause some serious motivation problems. By allowing some nutritional differences from time to time, you will remain mobilized to fight against overweight.

7) Get enough sleep

Sleep at least 7 or 8 hours is essential to keep the motivation to lose weight. Most people need 7 to 8 hours of sleep at least for the body to do what it should do.

During the first half of your sleep, your immune system from attacking anything that is harmful that could float in your body. During the second half of your sleep, your mind prevails and you enter a kind of psychic regeneration. This is the moment chosen by your brain to release all kinds of healers chemicals that help strengthen the immune system.

Through all your sleep, you go from a light sleep to deep sleep where your mind deals with all the things that took place in the very recent past.

8) Find the reasons why you want to slim down, and remember in

Keeping the motivation to lose weight is for some more a question of desire a matter of will. How much do you lose unnecessary weight? What is the balance of power between your desire to slim down and your desire to eat fatty foods or watch TV all evening?

List all your reasons for wanting to lose weight or stay slim and healthy. Add more reasons to your list as and when you find them. Read your list of reasons when you get up.

9) Set a realistic weight loss goal

You can stay motivated to lose weight if you have from the beginning set a realistic target weight, credible. Visualize your success. How you will look after you lost weight? How do you feel after having lost weight? What clothes will you wear after finishing the plan? Are your clothes will fit your new body? What will people say or think about your new look? What will you say or explain your success in weight loss? Spend some time in the day to imagine and enjoy your future success.

10) Find the key moments of the year to gauge your weight loss

If you have a lot of weights to lose, it can be difficult to keep your concentration throughout the program to lose weight. If this is the case, plan a few activities throughout the year, at times when you will want to be thinner (eg Valentine's Day, your birthday, a getaway with your best friends, All Saints, Christmas, etc.) , which will make your key dates to motivate you in the weight loss process


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